This calendar includes conferences or other events that I’m attending or in which I’m participating. Blue indicates events for executives, purple for current coaches, and green for anyone interested.
I served on the conference committee for this event. We have a great line-up of presenters!
I will presenting the MBTI Step III and Careers at the Career symposium. After that, I will be enjoying the conference! I served on the conference board of this event and I can guarantee it will be a great event!
There is abundance in your life story. Discover how you can share your message with others.
The new TC- APT season kicks off with a presentation on psychological type and the brain!
I will be facilitating a World Cafe Table discussing the brain and coaching.
Becoming a Certified Intentional Leadership Coach provides you with tools for helping leaders at all levels focus their strengths, develop strategies for avoiding blind spot derailments, and achieve their purpose.
Sandra Krebs Hirsh spent a week in an 11th Century Carthusian monastery in Switzerland with Jungians from all over the world including renowned people like David Whyte, the poet, studying silence and its place in our modern world –is this a vision of heaven to you or is it TMJ (too many Jungians or too much Jung)? Come to the TCAPT December session on silence and see for yourself.
What is emotional intelligence? Why does it mater? How are emotional intelligence and type related?
Can you use the MBTI or a similar instrument to assess personality preferences in “non-normal” populations? Are clients on the autism spectrum, or those diagnosed with ADHD, or clients who have suffered brain injury completely inappropriate for this tool? What can be gained from the principles of these instruments to better serve their natural learning style while taking care to acknowledge that the instrument is being used “off label.”