This calendar includes conferences or other events that I’m attending or in which I’m participating. Blue indicates events for executives, purple for current coaches, and green for anyone interested.
Becoming a Certified Intentional Leadership Coach provides you with tools for helping leaders at all levels focus their strengths, develop strategies for avoiding blind spot derailments, and achieve their purpose.
What is emotional intelligence? Why does it mater? How are emotional intelligence and type related?
Can you use the MBTI or a similar instrument to assess personality preferences in “non-normal” populations? Are clients on the autism spectrum, or those diagnosed with ADHD, or clients who have suffered brain injury completely inappropriate for this tool? What can be gained from the principles of these instruments to better serve their natural learning style while taking care to acknowledge that the instrument is being used “off label.”
Explore how neuroscience demonstrates the difference between managerial competencies and the skills needed to be an effective leader. Click here to register.
This is a conference call discussing type and coaching. I will be the presenter/facilitator.
Ann will be presenting Step III case studies at this event.
The brain is a wondrous entity, capable of complex problem solving, planning, adaptability, memory recall, and self-regulation. It accounts for 2 percent of our body weight but it uses 20 percent of our available energy. When the brain is low on energy, it doesn’t operate optimally. Likewise, think of each brain activity as a window on a computer. The more windows you have open, the more the system’s bandwidth is taxed and the more it’s functioning is potentially compromised. The Brain Energy/Bandwidth Inventory, based on neuroscience research, is designed to assist people in appraising their own brain energy and bandwidth demands. Take the brain energy/bandwidth quiz and learn some tips on how you can be less distracted, more efficient, and more engaged in your work and personal life.
This webinar has been taped and is available. Please contact me at